DECEMBER 15, 2022
Past President Lee Carroll
(getting the technology going)
Pledge of Allegiance: ![image](
Invocation: Suzanne Levy
Guests: Erica Weber, Gloria Soto, Susan Moats
Thanks to the Staff at the Santa Maria Inn for their service to our Club!
Rotary Family Christmas Breakfast: Our annual family Christmas Breakfast will happen on December 22 at the Santa Maria Country Club. Santa will be there, but he needs your help supplying him with presents to give out to the children that you will be bringing. Contact Wendy Foxen
(organizer in charge) if more details are needed.
Message from Club Service Projects Chair Kathy Simas:
Tis the season! Our Club generously donated funds again for turkeys and hams to be distributed at Thanksgiving and Christmas. With Thanksgiving behind us, we are now focused on the Christmas distribution.
The hams and turkeys will be distributed at St. Peter's Episcopal Church on Thursday, December 22 from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m,, with setup and cleanup time before and after. Yes, this is just following the Club's Christmas Breakfast at the Country Club!
Peter could use some great Rotarian support to help load, unload and hand out food that morning.
If you have the time to help, please contact Peter at
The church address is 402 S. Lincoln Street.
Christmas Caroling: A group of club carolers are being assembled for the evening of December 22. The singers will perform at assorted "special adult care" facilities around Santa Maria. The more the merrier! If you would like to help sing and participate, please contact Wendy Foxen.
Human Trafficking Seminar: is scheduled for January 28, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Santa Maria Inn. The cost is $25 per person and all business leaders in Santa Maria are urged to attend. If interested, Suzanne Levy has more details on the event.
CASA Event: is scheduled for February 4, 2023. More Info forthcoming.
Suzanne Levy: "Free Brag" regarding an online auction for one of her many causes.
Shannon Seifert: $50 to recognize the Guadalupe kids able to see this year's PCPA production.
Andy Caldwell: $100 to recognize John Spencer for all of his generosity during the Holiday season.
Laurie Tamura: $100 kinda a futuristic brag for future support of getting Rancho Alegre Scouting sites up and running in Fall of 2023.
Craig Bernard: $50 for grandson's graduation in Fort Collins and the anticipation of a Cabo trip.
Mark Bachman: $100 of family events and $500 to the compassion fund in honor of Uncle Bill.
Tanya Astrosky: $30 for 30 years of bliss.
Kathy Simas: $100 to compassion fund for a 50th celebration.
Leonard Champion: $54 (we think it was his birthday?).
These members were fined $30 each by Past Pres Lee for failing the Rotary quizzes that he put together!
Leonard Champion, Mason Frakes, Steve Fuhring, Michelle Jenson, David LeRoy, Ron Levy, Suzanne Levy, Pat McDermott, Wayne Miller, Anthony Ojeda, Kathy Simas, Dave Wright.
These members were not fined due to correct answers were given! Mark Jackson, Frank Ortiz.
This mornings informative program was provided by Club member Father Peter Kang. He provided a historical perspective of how the Calendar was developed and how it relates to Christmas. He started with the Gregorian Calendar but also noted that the Jewish Calendar goes back 5,783 years ago? Lets of good stuff presented but the Bull-A-Ton editor could not write that fast! Well done Father Kang!