Chumash Donation: This morning, Ted Ortega presented the club with a check for $8,000 to go towards this year's Christmas Parade of Lights.
The Rotary Club of Santa Maria: is celebrating 100 years of being an active club. The celebration dinner is this Saturday night (11/12). Tickets can be obtained through Roberto Rodriguez.
Waller Park Tree Planting: is also happening this Saturday (11/12). 134 trees will be tended to. All volunteers are needed and appreciated. If interested, show up at 8:00 am at the pony ride site.
Turkey & Ham $ Donations: are needed for this year's holiday club promotion. The clipboard is going around so please be sure that you're on it.
Orcutt Christmas Parade: also needs volunteers to help out. The time of the parade is 10:00 am - 1:00 pm on December 10. Contact Suzanne Levy if you can be of service.
PCPA Cinderella: Our annual club outing is happening on Friday December 2 at 7:00 pm. Betty Miller is in charge of tickets. If you would like to go, please let her know how many tickets you would like ASAP
Christmas Parade of Lights (12/3): Job sign ups are still needed and business card ads are also requested. Please contact Mike Gibson if you can help in either category.
Adult Christmas Party: is tentatively being planned for Friday December 9 at Toyota of Santa Maria. Time and member requirements will be coming in the near future (so keep your calendar open)
Frank Ortiz: CORRECTION: Last week Frank bragged on the arrival of his new grandson. The brag was $100. Unfortunately, a zero was dropped off last week. Congratulations Frank!!
Laurie Tamura: and her husband recently returned from a Monterey golf adventure that involved Pebble Beach (courtesy of their son). She also was very proud of her niece, who was awarded an Athletic Round Table award for golf. $50
Lee Carroll: had a great Honeymoon trip on a cruise to Mexico. They had a wonderful time! He also threw out additional brags to Jason Stillwell and and Ryan Swack for helping him out recently. $50
Wendy Foxen: spent a week in South Carolina with family to surprise her Mom on her 80th birthday. $80
Mark Clarke: he and Linda had a nice time with the Levy's for a Rotating dinner. $50
Rich Watson: celebrated a 32nd wedding anniversary in Monterey with his wife Kaysi. $50
Suzanne Levy: bragged on her first hosted Rotating Dinner. $30
Kathy Simas and Mike Gibson: also bragged on the Levy's Rotating dinner. $50 each
Holly Edds: bragged on the Watson's Rotating dinner. $50
Rande Downer: had a recent wedding anniversary. $25
Berto Rodriguez: bragged on his Dad's surprise birthday party with family. He also bragged on his son being awarded defensive football player of the year at Righetti. $50
Shannon Seifert: bragged on Holly Edds for her for her YMCA swim lesson article in the Orcutt Pioneer. $30
She also bragged on Wayne Miller for applying his Chiropractic skills to her gall bladder ailment????.....$64.31
Randy Wise: also bragged on Rich and Kaysie Watson's Rotating dinner. $50
President Berto asked assorted trivia questions involving the Statue of Liberty. The following members failed, Craig Bernard, Mike Gibson, Angelica Gumabon ($30 each). Rande Downer took a blurry picture last week ($30). Doug Palmer however, answered a trivia question correctly for a $30 credit (no fine).
Mr. Anthony Montoya
This morning our club had the privilege and honor of listening to Mr. Montoya speak about his experience in the United States Army Infantry.
He grew up in Santa Maria and joined the armed services when he was 20. He described what it was like during basic training and how that helped him develop into a man. During his enlistment he witnessed many unspeakable acts of violence that he still has trouble reconciling with to this very day.
Iraq was a key destination that he served at for a good portion of his service time. He described the daily activities that he experienced while actively serving in that country. After speaking, he answered the many questions that the audience had for him.
As we commemorate Veterans Day on November 11, let us all take a moment to honor all of our Veterans that faithfully serve our country on a daily basis, and all of the many that have come before them.
Thank you Anthony for your service! We salute you!